pointlessly purple powered by purple purple network purple Powder Blue Tuxedo: Strangest Argument Ever?


Strangest Argument Ever?

Vs.Me and Sara were sitting at the lunch table and we were talking about uh... I don't know, stuff. Then, for some reason Sara said she just decided it was Culture Club Day. And I'm like "Isn't Boy George's hair just so sexy?" and Sara goes, "Yeah..." , but the problem with that was I was being sarcastic. So then, somehow, me and Sara were talking about who had the sexiest hair ever, and between the two of us, it boiled down to Boy George on Sara's side, and Mike Score on my side ["the dude from A Flock of Seagulls with the weird hair" for the uninformed] We're still going on. Like, if I'm talking to her in the hallway, I'll go "It is not." and she'll go "Is too." and then she says something like "I wouldn't be attracted to a guy who's hair is shaped like a bird." [It's supposed to be shaped like a seagull, but it kinda doesn't really look like one] and I'll say something like "Well, at least Mike Score's hair is more original." Ah, good times, good times.
May the Force be with you, Mike Score and Boy George.


Blogger Hippie Nerd said...

Does it have to be real hair?

I would vote the Goblin King Jeremiah played, by David Bowie, but that's a wig.

John Mellencamp had sexy hair for a while. Not the sexiest ever though.

Michael Jackson had hot hair too.

I don't know, I'll have to think about it.

September 15, 2006  

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