I Don't Think I Can Stand Living Here Anymore
I live in Southern Indiana, or known to me in my mind, Redneckville. It really sucks. I was talking to Gabe, the guy I sit with at lunch, today and he started talking about football. He said he's still mad at me for saying that the new stadium that we are building for our worthless football team that we used millions of tax dollars that could have been used to fund education and safety is a pointless endeavor. I was really mad at him. All he cares about is football. There's too many stupid rednecks and and old high school jocks in Indiana that we care more about sports than anything else. For example, theschool administration hands out medals to all people who participated in "sports". That's in qoutes because they count they sluttiness in its purest form that they refer to as cheerleading. The cheerleading hopefuls for next year are practicing in the gym right now. The librarian left early, so I have nothing to do but update. I guess that's good, beacause I need to get back in the habit again. I've been missing a couple days lately. I still have Beat It stuck in my head. The Acedemic Team commpetition is over. We pretty much are okay, but Science and Social Studies need to work on it. English and Math got first in our division. I'm on both of them, as well as being the English representative for the Interdisciplinary Team. The acedmic teams worked twice as hard as the dumb jocks. We barely had a celebration. I am grateful for the coaches that were willing to throw a small party for us in the cafeteria after school ON THEIR OWN BUDGETS. It was announced ONCE over the announcements. They're having a school-funded "Sports Banquet", a giant dance for all the jocks and their cheerleaders (they tend to come in pairs). I am so mad at the school. They have been announcing that the Sports Banquet is on whatever day it's on since last week. And it's not until the last week of school, which is somewhere around the 24th . They DISTURB CLASSES to have the jocks vote for "most outstanding" male and female athletes of the year. I try to speak up, but no one listens to the one who actually goes to school to learn, which , in case all you people out there have'nt learned, is what you're supposed to do. These people, even though they all have brains at least big enough to function, have no common sense and virtually, according to my observations, no process of thought. I find them saying the same lines and going through the same conversations over and over again. LIke a broken record. It's scary. I don't blame the elderly for being exsasperated with youth. I'm worried about the state of the English team by next year. I was the only seventh grader this year, and all the eighth-graders on the team will be going to the high school next year. But I'm sure the football team will have no shortage of eager volunteers.
On a much different note, I got to see Kevin, my favorite, on Jeopardy again last night. I thought Kevin meant business, but he came in second, and unfortunately will not be going to the finals. He's still awesome though. I think the finals start tonight. I'll be watching.
On a much different note, I got to see Kevin, my favorite, on Jeopardy again last night. I thought Kevin meant business, but he came in second, and unfortunately will not be going to the finals. He's still awesome though. I think the finals start tonight. I'll be watching.
May the Force be with you, my fellow nerds.
It's true that too many tax-payer's dollars go to sports . The state of Indiana took money out of public school transportation funds to keep the Colts in the state. Furthemore, having gone to the school in Redneckville I know personally what high esteem "athletes" are held in and how low the reading and comprehension bar has been placed. In 2005 students were required to take extra grammar lessons due to poor English scores on ISTEP and other stae-required tests, on all of which the school's average was below state standards.
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