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Thoughts on Labyrinth III: Interesting Comparison

A few nights ago, I got bored. Really bored. I decided to look up the script to Labyrinth. I found the first draft and decided to read it, because, as I said, I was really bored. It turned out to be so much more awesomer than the current film. Jareth is a lot more evil, and he's not so hinting. While still maintaining his constant sexiness. Here's a part where he's trying to drown Hoggle if he won't give Sarah the peach (I told you he was more evil.):

HOGGLE is holding on to the ledge with his fingertips. He doesn't
have the strength to hold on much longer and he looks down at the
water in mortal terror. He begins to slip just as a door opens in the
sheer rock and JARETH enters, accompanied by GOBLINS.
JARETH: Well, what have we here ... if it isn't little Piggle!
HOGGLE screams and slips into the water. He tries to struggle back to
the ledge but the GOBLINS push at him with poles, laughing maniacally.
JARETH: Did the girl decide she doesn't need you, now that she has
that beast?
HOGGLE (angry): She wouldn't do nuthin' like that!
JARETH leans over the water, laughing.
JARETH: Don't you know she could never care for a repulsive thing
like you!
HOGGLE splashes and tries to stay afloat.
HOGGLE: She does care! Me 'n Sarah is friends!
JARETH: Only until something better comes along ... and I've
definitely got something better in mind!
HOGGLE: Don't you hurt her!
HOGGLE grabs on to the ledge and the gleeful GOBLINS push him back
down into the water.
JARETH: What I do to her is my business ... and it is inevitable.
He grabs HOGGLE by the shirt front and lifts him out of the water.
JARETH: You can be with me or against me.
HOGGLE (terrified): Wh ... what do I gotta do?
JARETH: I doubt if she can make it to the castle in time ...
He leans down and speaks directly into HOGGLE's face.
JARETH: But just in case, I want you to deliver her to me.
HOGGLE: Never! I'd rather die!
JARETH sneers scornfully.
JARETH: Then so you shall.
He drops HOGGLE back into the water. The GOBLINS shriek with delight.
HOGGLE goes under and comes up sputtering.
JARETH was about to leave. He turns back to HOGGLE, a look of
amusement on his face.
HOGGLE: I gotta know what ... what you'll do to her!
He splashes pathetically in a desperate attempt to stay above water.
JARETH: I will do what ever amuses me ...
He reaches into his cloak and brings out a perfect peach.
JARETH: All you have to do is give her this.
He tosses HOGGLE the peach. HOGGLE catches it and immediately the
water starts to recede.
JARETH: You've made a very wise decision.
I told you it was different. The bubble scene is also much different. And the ending is like, woah. OK, that's the best description I could find.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow the script sounds more cooler than the movie hey this is rashpan

December 25, 2006  

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