pointlessly purple powered by purple purple network purple Powder Blue Tuxedo: Ugh... tortured by my own kind! [With the help of Hinder and Zac Effren, of course]


Ugh... tortured by my own kind! [With the help of Hinder and Zac Effren, of course]

I'm here at school. Some girls are behind me blasting one of those Now CD's at me from behind. Luckily, my tape player provides a little consolence for me. I'm worried the batteries are gonna give out here in a little bit though. They were playing the "High School Musical" soundtrack, and "Lips of an Angel" after that, though, so, I guess that's okay in comparison. But I still hate it!!!! "Dancehall Days" is playing on my tape player right now. Not my favorite song in the whole world, but it's okay, and anything's better than... Wait a second. That riding dirty song. I much prefer Weird Al's version. Geez, if it weren't for him, I don't know how I'd survive. Well, I better go, it seems I have run out of words yet again.

May the Force be with you, Weird Al, and thanks for getting me through a bunch of torturous music. Oh, yeah, and Mike Score. You get credit, too.

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Blogger Hippie Nerd said...

you simply add Mike as an afterthought!?!?!? You imbecile!

November 17, 2006  

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