Coincedence? Or Are the Aliens trying to Tell Me Something?
1. I get a page of trivia emailed to me daily, and one of them was about San Fransisco, California.
2. Me and my mom were driving to the school so I could take the bus to the Acedemic Competition, and "California Girls" was on the radio.
3. There was a math problem involving California.
4. I was bored and listened to my radio at the competition. Guess what was on the radio? "Hotel California."
5. In this cheesy sci-fi movie from the 80s, the kid in the movie says to the alien that's flying him home in his spaceship, "yeah, first we'll fly over California..."
6. There was an advertisement for California Raisins on a park bench in Back to the Future.
7. I was cleaning my room and a picture album I was getting rid of was made in California.