pointlessly purple powered by purple purple network purple Powder Blue Tuxedo: 11/2006


Behold His Glory: The Jareth Post

Like it? I do. I like it a lot. I could get like mundo-more, but that would take me like two hours and I would keep getting distracted. Plus, I got homework, and I'm already distracted enough.
So, I must leave. Look forward to more Jareth posts in the future.
May the Force be with you, David Bowie in all your hotness.

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Talking Heads/ Dream Operator

Artiste: Talking Heads
Album: True Stories
Song: Dream Operator
When you were little
You dreamed you were big
You must have been something
A real tiny kid
You wish you were me
I wish I was you
Now don't you wake up
The dream will come true
Every dream has a name
And names tell your story
This song is your dream
You're the dream operator
It's bigger than life
You know it's all me
My face is a book
But it's not what it seems
Three angels above
The whole human race
They dream us to life
They dream me a face
And every dream tells it all
And this dream is your story
You dreamed me a heart
You're the dream operator
Shake-it-up dream
Hi-di-ho dream
Fix-it-up dream
Look at me dream
I've been waiting so long
Now I am your dream
Hard to forget
Hard to go on
When you fall asleep
You're out on your own
Let go of your life
Grab on to my hand
Here in the clouds
Where we'll understand
And you dreamed it all
And this is your story
Do you know who you are?
You're the dream operator
And you dreamed it all
And this is your story
Do you know who you are?
You're the dream operator
May the Force be with you, Talking Heads

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*scream of extreme mental anguish*!!!!!!!! HOW COULD I FORGET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just take that crowbar and bash my head in, for I have commited a sin greater than all the sins ever! I have... *sobchoke* forgotten Mike Score's birthday. I didn't even do anything! You don't know who Mike Score is, you say? HEATHEN!!!!!! FILTHY HEATHEN!!!!!!! Sorry. I must regain my composure. Mike Score was the guy from A Flock of Seagulls. You know, that band with the weird {but oddly sexy} hair? You don't agree with me? Die! Also, Frank Maudsley's birthday was yestersay, which I so rudely forgot to mention. Sorry, Frank. He was the bassist.

May the Force be with you, Mike Score and Frank Maudsley.

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Thoughts on Labyrinth: "God, Sara, You're So STUPID!!!!!!!!"

Ever watched Labyrinth? You know, that movie with David Bowie in tight pants, makeup, and the hottest wig ever? Yeah, that one. Well, I think Sara is stupid in that movie. You know that part where they're dancing in the bubble and "As the World Falls Down" is playing? And she runs away????? What a dolt!!!!!!!!!! Well, I wouldn't run away. I'd be smart. I'd be all like "Forget about the stupid kid. Take me back to your palace, Jareth. He was annoying anyway." Well, I guess she doesn't know a good thing when she sees it. Or maybe she's just STUPID !!!!!!!
May the Force be with you, Goblin King.
*note the words at the bottom of the page*

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Ugh... tortured by my own kind! [With the help of Hinder and Zac Effren, of course]

I'm here at school. Some girls are behind me blasting one of those Now CD's at me from behind. Luckily, my tape player provides a little consolence for me. I'm worried the batteries are gonna give out here in a little bit though. They were playing the "High School Musical" soundtrack, and "Lips of an Angel" after that, though, so, I guess that's okay in comparison. But I still hate it!!!! "Dancehall Days" is playing on my tape player right now. Not my favorite song in the whole world, but it's okay, and anything's better than... Wait a second. That riding dirty song. I much prefer Weird Al's version. Geez, if it weren't for him, I don't know how I'd survive. Well, I better go, it seems I have run out of words yet again.

May the Force be with you, Weird Al, and thanks for getting me through a bunch of torturous music. Oh, yeah, and Mike Score. You get credit, too.

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The Goblin King gets what he wants. Fear him, love him, do as he says, and he will be your slave!!!!!!!! No, wait. Not yours. Mine.