pointlessly purple powered by purple purple network purple Powder Blue Tuxedo: 09/2006


YouTube is my Saviour.

Not only is YouTube free and you can get like almost anything there, but someone just posted a whole AFOS concert on there and I am very happy. Wait. Very happy? Try excrutiatingly ecstatic. Euphoria, even. Although this state has abated somewhat in the few weeks the concert's been on there, I'm still really really really really reall really really really happy. Really really really really really...
May the Force be with you, YouTube and the person that posted the concert.

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More Excerpts from the Lizzard Dictionary

greased-out- adj. Describing hair that has so much hair gel/hairspray it doesn't look like hair anymore.
flockus- n. the debris left over from a herd of wild girls passing through. [Hey, what did you expect it to be?]
hysterifalerical- adj. Extremly humorous.
Gargantumongonormous- adj. Big. Really really big
All words are original by Lizzard Lady.
May the Force be with you, Webster, and all the abecedarians. [That's actually a word; look it up.]

Vulgar Hair?

I was feeling naseous as usual, so I went to the nurse's office. While I was there, I had nothing better to do, so I read part of the rule book in the front of my agenda. I find parts of it amusing. Like the fact that you get less punishment for drugs than for fighting. Then again, this is Brown County, and how many junior high kids do drugs in Redneckville, anyway?
Anyway, I found this part:
"n. Refrain from speech, conduct, clothing, jewelry, or hairstyles, which are profane, indecent, lewd, vulgar, or offensive to school purposes."
Now the first three make sense, but jewelry and hair? Now that just makes absolutely no sense at all. If by "offensive to school purposes", they would also mean distracting, that would make sense, because they freak out with green hair and stuff like that, but it still doesn't make much sense. When I asked Sara, she said "Maybe some people don't like seagulls." and gave me a really dirty look. She always thinks that's what I'm talking about. By the way, if you didn't get that, read the previous post.
May the Force be with you, hair rebels.


Strangest Argument Ever?

Vs.Me and Sara were sitting at the lunch table and we were talking about uh... I don't know, stuff. Then, for some reason Sara said she just decided it was Culture Club Day. And I'm like "Isn't Boy George's hair just so sexy?" and Sara goes, "Yeah..." , but the problem with that was I was being sarcastic. So then, somehow, me and Sara were talking about who had the sexiest hair ever, and between the two of us, it boiled down to Boy George on Sara's side, and Mike Score on my side ["the dude from A Flock of Seagulls with the weird hair" for the uninformed] We're still going on. Like, if I'm talking to her in the hallway, I'll go "It is not." and she'll go "Is too." and then she says something like "I wouldn't be attracted to a guy who's hair is shaped like a bird." [It's supposed to be shaped like a seagull, but it kinda doesn't really look like one] and I'll say something like "Well, at least Mike Score's hair is more original." Ah, good times, good times.
May the Force be with you, Mike Score and Boy George.
The Goblin King gets what he wants. Fear him, love him, do as he says, and he will be your slave!!!!!!!! No, wait. Not yours. Mine.